14 Oct IntegriMedical launches India’s first Needle-Free Injection System, easing injection pain for all ages
IntegriMedical has launched India’s first Needle-Free Injection System to ease the pain of injections for children and adults, enhancing healthcare experiences.
Check into any pediatrician’s clinic and chances are you will hear little kids bawling. They’d be fine even during the doctor’s examination but the moment the injection is in the doctor’s hand the crying begins. And while this tears a young mother’s heart to see her baby cry, she understands that this is one ‘pain’ her child must endure and learn to accept. And if truth be told there are many adults too who fear the needle. So, what could be done?
Says Sarvesh Mutha, co-founder and managing director of IntegriMedical, “We looked at the problem deep and hard and felt that things should change. Injections should not be painful, not even for a nanosecond. That is when IntegriMedical developed the Needle Free Injection System (NFIS) in April 2024.”
Earlier device
The solution lay across the Atlantic when Jean Sales-Guirron developed a device way back in 1866 where water or medicine could penetrate the skin without a needle but under pressure. This however was further developed and patented in 1936 by Marshall Lockhart. The history of this jet injection is marked by a few lows as initial versions had issues that caused some injuries. But it was the need for rapid immunisations on account of various epidemics (plague, smallpox, measles etc) and the need to reduce the wastage of vaccines that probably egged inventors to look for this alternative.
How it started
In 2020, Sarvesh and his co-founder and managing director Ankur Naik decided that something must be done. Says Sarvesh, “We developed the solution after understanding that children and even adults faced problems when taking an injection, whether it was on account of needle phobia, discomfort or needle stick injuries. While the needle-free injection technology was readily available in the US and other European countries, our country had yet to experience the benefit of going needle-free.”
They hired a team of researchers and leveraging the existing technology they worked on it to make it India’s first needle free injection device. But how can one deliver any medication to the body without piercing the skin? Says Sarvesh, “Our skin has pores and these pores are opening in the skin. So we use the pores to deliver medication. Our N-FIS is a high-pressure, spring-driven mechanism that delivers the drug quickly and with less pain via the pores, causing no tissue damage.” Initially, they used their own funds as well as that of early investors making an investment of $ 4 million.
No medical device can get to the market without trials and government approvals. Says Sarvesh, “When we started we knew we had to get feedback from the users and conduct trials. A major part of the investment went into trials and approvals.”
“In 2023 we had a soft launch of our device where we offered it to a few doctors to get a clearer understanding of the issues they may face. With several iterations of our product and getting approvals from CDSCO and CE (Euro) as well as clinical trials on the Indian population (they did it on 500 people) IntegriMedical was ready to launch its Needle-Free Injection System (N-FIS) in the market in April 2024.
To the market
Anything new is often seen with some trepidation. Says Sarvesh, “Our plan was not to just sell the product to doctors but to also train them on how to use it. All our doctors do their MBBS and are trained to use injections. We knew that the success of our product would depend on correct usage and that included training the doctors and medical staff who agree to use it.”
After the trial run, IntegriMedical approached the medical fraternity armed not with just the N-FIS but also trainers. “There are some companies making this device but they chose another path to the market. They sell to the pharma companies. A doctor receives training while at a medical college on how to use a needle, but this is new. Without training it can result in failure. Which is why we chose this route – of selling directly to the end user but only after he has been trained.”
IntegriMedical launched its N-FIS in April this year. They have hired 60 salespeople who meet paediatricians largely and not just sell their product but also train them to use it. The result of this deep dive into the market? Says Sarvesh, “Initially we are focusing on Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. The response has been very good.”
Since there is no one manufacturing N-FIS the competition comes mainly from the traditional injection. Says Sarvesh, “Our primary competitors are traditional needle-based injections and some needle-free devices. What sets us apart is our unique focus on precision, reliability, and a completely patient-centric approach. In addition to the product itself, we are the only company that has boots on the ground collaborating with paediatricians, training and hand holding them to ensure complete satisfaction for healthcare providers and patients as well. We offer a truly needle-free experience that alleviates pain and discomfort during drug delivery, ensuring high patient compliance.
“Moreover, our product is compact, lightweight, and easy to use, making it ideal for various healthcare settings. Also, it’s the first needle-free injection that has an ergonomically designed stainless steel body, ensuring smoother handling and reduced noise. Our in-house research and operations give us more flexibility and a competitive edge, setting the standard for quality and innovation, ensuring that no other solution can match the quality we offer.”
Future plans
“Our mission is to transform healthcare globally by enhancing patient comfort, reduce needle stick injuries, and increase the efficacy of liquid medication I think our N-FIS can help relieve some of that stress and make her experience at such clinics pain-free,” says Sarvesh.
They want to extend beyond the pediatricians’ clinics and reach out to other sectors of the industry such as infertility clinics. Says Sarvesh, “When a couple sees an infertility specialist there is anyway stress of not being able to conceive. Add to this is the number of injections the wife has to take. Our device could help the woman by reducing the pain of taking several injections.”
In addition to this, they are also planning on co-packaging collaborations with pharmaceutical companies to drive adoption across various medical sectors.
“Our aim is to improve clinical experiences by partnering with healthcare professionals and paediatricians. Additionally, we are expanding our regulatory approval portfolio to reach international markets and collaborating with government bodies and global foundations to integrate needle-free systems into national immunisation programmes.”
IntegriMedical has received funding from the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer Serum Institute (he cannot disclose the amount) for a 20% share in profits. With the country’s first needle-free injection device, salesmen cum trainers and the largest vaccine manufacturer backing it, looks like taking shots may truly be a painless experience.